Yesterday was such beautiful weather: Warm, dry and windy. I wasted it doing yard work. But it had to be done sometime, and it is better to get it out of the way now than later, when other stuff will grab my attention.
I raked up the leaves left over from last fall, as well as leaves that blew in from other folks’ lawns and into the north and east sides of my house.
I pulled up the cable from the east and north sides of my house because it was long unused and a danger for my lawn mower. Having done that, I also removed the rest of the cable inside my bedroom and patched up the hole in the wall.
I pulled up nascent dandelions from around the emerging bulb plants on the west side of my house. Other such weeds are too small to be noticeable in the grass; but I ordered a weeder from Garrett Wade, which will let me pull out the weeds while standing.
I installed new week fabric in the square pit in my patio. It was gathering dirt among the stones, and plants were taking root in the dirt. I had to wash the stones off before shoveling them back into the pit.
I bought some more Grant’s ant poison for when the spring stays around, and new burners and drip pans for the stove.
Today came rain — a lot of it — turning my yard into a pond. When the rain stopped, I walked out to find a chunk of my siding lying on the patio. I had to nail it back on.
Isis is achy again, but she can move around more than the last time she experienced pain in her back. She can climb low steps and walk about: She just does it more slowly and carefully. And she was able to climb on the sill of the window above the lower stairs to enjoy the lovely day yesterday.